Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012


Oct 13 Japan proposes restricting trade of Ryukyu turtle

Japan has proposed restricting international trade of a species of turtle endemic to the islands in its southernmost prefecture of Okinawa.

Oct 14 Nature calls researcher's method 'weird'

The prestigious scientific journal Nature questioned the credibility of the Japanese researcher's claimed success in the clinical application of induced pluripotent stem cells, saying the "transplant of iPS cells to treat heart failure probably never happened."

Oct 13 TEPCO succeeds in taking water sample from crippled No. 1 reactor

The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant succeeded Friday in taking a sample of water from the No. 1 reactor's primary containment vessel, the first such attempt since the accident at the plant occurred last year.
Oct 11 BioJapan 2012 showcases iPS cell tech

The BioJapan 2012 exhibition showcasing the latest technologies in regenerative medicine and drug development began in Yokohama on Wednesday.
Oct 06 Japan's LED-stacked cubesat will burn Morse code into the heavens

If you thought cloud writing was cool, then how about a message from space burnt into the night sky? A group of unassuming cubesats recently left the comfort of the ISS and joined Earth's orbit -- among them was FITSAT-1 (aka Niwaka), a four-inch-cubed Japanese satellite covered in high-powered LEDs.

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